New Resolve to Write More

I’ve just read Anil Dash’s excellent post 15 Lessons From 15 Years of Blogging. It has inspired me to try to write here every day. One of these lessons indicates that the scroll bar is a blogger’s friend. If you’re unhappy with a post, simply post something a little better. The offending post will be pushed down the page and, well, forgotten. I’ve always been a little self conscious about what I write here. Perhaps, along with the occasional (somewhat) crafted essay, it’s a good idea to write a bit every day about anything.

This morning, I also read an interview with Lorrie Moore who is one of my favorite writers. Among the many humorous and intelligent insights recounted in the interview, Moore notes that she has had to arrange her life in ways that allow her to write. At the time of the interview, she was teaching and had a small child to deal with, she was having a difficult time managing her life to facilitate writing. I have always wanted to write and promised myself that I would if I ever had time. Well, I lost my job a few years ago and the kids are pretty much grown up, so my life is arranged in a way that allows me to write. So, why aren’t I doing more of it?

Some time ago, I started a “Morning Melody” feature here. I had noticed that, while doing the morning rituals, coffee, newspaper, sudoku in the newspaper, I often had a particular song rattling around in my head. So, I resolved to have a daily post with a link to the particular song and a brief comment. As soon as I started this practice, I began to either have the same song in my head, or I’d be mentally humming some tune that wasn’t available anywhere on the web (like the ones my friend Mel and I play each week). I do have some recordings and it’s my intention to put a few of the good recordings here, too.

Does anyone want to bet how long a streak I can accomplish writing here everyday? Fortunately, I’m pretty much just talking to myself here and I won’t take the bet.

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